Introduction Nice to Meet You
Hey! I’m Mike, and uh, I guess I’m kind of a jack of all trades, master of some.
I’ve always been interested in technology to some degree. As a kid, I started I believe on Sega Genesis. Sonic was my first memorable game, Ohhh, sonic. Gotta go fast! Then it was Nintendo 64. That’s where I truly started getting interested in games around the age of proabbly 5. Then of course, over the years, I had a new console every few years. Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Playstation 2, Xbox 360, aaaaand last but definitely not least I built my first computer in 2012 and Never looked back.
So, since then, I’ve been shoulders deep in tech hobbies. Everything from seeing how electronic devices work, to building computers, to playing games and running game servers, to graphic design and most recently designing my own PCBs!
But I’m also an every day guy, with an every day life with a girlfriend and the cutest daughter you’ll ever meet. I’d bet on it. Bet. On. It.
ANWAY! Thanks for checking out my website, and if anything catches your eye, or just have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

Capturing moments in life Photography
I tinkered with taking photos as a kid, and kind of always had a slight interest. But in my recent adult years, I’ve become adamant on capturing important moments and scenery that I experience in my life. Some people make the argument that we need to live in the moment more because we won’t get to again, but capturing these moments allow us to live them out a little bit more later in life.
The art of the modern world Graphic Design
So this one came mostly as a surprise. I went to boces, which is a technical school, between 2011 and 2013 for high school. By nature, I looked for the class that called out to me the most, tech related stuff, Visual Communications. Unbeknownst to me, this wasn’t the MOST tech related class, as that would have been electronic hardware. But I found my spot here. I excelled once again in my class, finding a small passion for digital art and design work. This of course kicked off further interest into motion graphics and video editing.
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